

Empower your employees with resources and skills for caregiving

As Hong Kong’s population ages and birth rate declines, more and more of your employees will take on caregiving responsibilities of their aging family members. Without adequate preparation and support to your employee-caregivers, eldercare responsibilities may lead to poor well-being, lower productivity, increased absenteeism, and attrition. Agewhale’s talks and workshops aim to raise awareness about the importance of caregiving preparation and empower your employees with useful resources, tools, and guides about caregiving. Our talks and workshops can be tailored based on each organization’s specific needs and priorities.

Agewhale for Enterprises

As Hong Kong’s population ages and birth rate declines, more and more of your employees will take on caregiving responsibilities of their aging family members. Without adequate preparation and support to your employee-caregivers, eldercare responsibilities may lead to poor well-being, lower productivity, increased absenteeism, and attrition.

Elder Care Crisis in the Workplace

As Hong Kong’s population ages and birth rate declines, more and more of your employees will take on caregiving responsibilities of their aging family members. Without adequate preparation and support to your employee-caregivers, eldercare responsibilities may lead to poor well-being, lower productivity, increased absenteeism, and attrition.

Hong Kong Projected Economic Dependency Ratio



High caregiving burden



Took unplanned leave



Arrived late/left work early



Considered resigning

Source: Study on Profile and Needs of Family Caregivers in Hong Kong by HKCSS &Sau Po Centre on Ageing, 2019

Some signature programs include:

Care planning foundation

An introductory talk on caregiving preparation and an overview of community resources in Hong Kong. 

Coping strategies for carers

An informative session to share effective self-care and stress management strategies. 

Building a carer-friendly workplace

An informative session for HR department and senior management to learn about best practices of a carer-friendly workplace

Conversations that count

An interactive session to learn practical communication skills for discussing care options and plans with older loved ones and other family members.

Life of a carer

An experiential workshop on the caregiving journey to gain a better understanding of what to expect in caregiving. 

Comprehensive Caregiver Support Solutions

Our workplace caregiver support solutions are designed to alleviate the unique caregiving challenges faced by these employees, ensuring they remain engaged, productive, and fulfilled in their roles. Our all-rounded support solutions address the needs of employees at different caregiving stages.

Workplace Assessment

Understand the caregiving needs of all employees within your organization.

Educational Programs

 Assist employees in managing their caregiving responsibilities effectively.

Personalized Support

Onsite consultations and care concierge services for employees.

Tools & Resources

Access to our Care Management App for managing caregiving tasks.

How Agewhale can fill the gaps in your current employee support

Agewhale’s solutionsEmployee Assistance ProgramsWellness Programs
Expertise in Caregiving
Tailor to Individual Needs
Long-term Support

Source: Study on Profile and Needs of Family Caregivers in Hong Kong by HKCSS &Sau Po Centre on Ageing, 2019

Benefits of Investing in Caregiver Support

Companies that prioritize the well-being of their employees report higher levels of engagement, reduced absenteeism, and improved productivity. By partnering with Agewhale, you are not just enhancing the lives of your employees; you are also driving significant returns on investment for your organization.

Improve Productivity & Engagement

Attract & Retain Top Talent

Enhance Employer Brand Reputation

Contributing to UN Sustainable Development Goals

Caregiver support drives progress on multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals. Addressing the emotional and physical burden of caregiving supports good health and well-being. By easing care pressures that disproportionately impact women, it promotes gender equality and empowerment. Enabling caregivers to better balance family and work advances decent work and economic growth. Supporting caregivers is a win-win-win for employees, employers, and society.

Thank you for engaging with us in caregiver support!

CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
Mayer Brown
Mayer Brown
ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd.

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