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From Burnout to Balance: How Supporting Working Caregivers Benefits Your Business

Oct 1, 2024

By: Kalwinder Singh

Imagine beginning your day with a heart filled with dread, rushing to meet an important project deadline while caring for an older adult with dementia. This is the harsh reality for countless working carers—a growing population silently juggling the dual responsibilities of work and caregiving. The number of individuals aged 60 or above is expected to double in 20 years’ time (Census and Statistics Department, 2023). With Hong Kong’s aging population, more and more employees are finding themselves in caregiving roles, creating significant challenges for both individuals and businesses.

In this context, we will explore the profound difficulties that working carers experience, the impact on businesses, and how Agewhale's services can help alleviate their stress and burden. 

The Importance of Supporting Working Carers

In today's business world, prioritizing support for working carers is essential for long-term financial and operational sustainability. Expenses, including rising healthcare costs, lost productivity, and absenteeism can have a substantial impact on a company's bottom line. According to a study conducted by HSBC Life & HKU (2019), the financial repercussions for businesses owing to caregiving responsibilities are on the rise, with indirect expenses of elder care currently exceeding HK$1.8 billion and expected to rise to HK$8.4 billion by 2060.

Absenteeism and Attrition

Working carers face the challenging task of balancing professional and caregiving responsibilities, leading to increased absenteeism and job turnover. A study conducted by Lou (2017) at HKU showed that over half of carers have made changes to their employment situation due to caregiving responsibilities, such as taking paid leave of absence (29%), reducing their work hours (25.8%), leaving their jobs (19.5%), taking unpaid leave of absence (15.0%), retiring early (14.2%), or declining job offers or promotions (12.2%). These changes result in disruptions and additional costs for employers due to hiring and training new staff.

Employee Well-being and Productivity

Given the dual burden of working and caregiving, carers frequently face heightened stress, potentially leading to physical health problems, mental exhaustion, and burnout. According to a survey conducted by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (2019), over 80% of working carers experience extreme stress, with more than half exhibiting symptoms of depression. 

This stress and strain not only affect the carers themselves but also have implications for employers, including increased healthcare and insurance expenditures. Supporting working carers is a sensible decision to ensure a healthier, more productive, and engaged workplace. 

Impact on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

According to the Census and Statistics Department (2023), 69.9% of the primary carers of older adults with long-term care needs are female. When carers, the majority of whom are women, leave their employment for caregiving duties, it can have a significant impact on gender diversity at work. Supporting carers has a direct impact on company efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Care Concierge Services provided by Agewhale

The primary struggles faced by working carers are a lack of time and knowledge about elder care. Agewhale's services aim to address these challenges by providing comprehensive care concierge services tailored to the unique needs of each carer and their loved ones. 

Service Overview

  1. Consultation and Assessment: Agewhale begins the caregiving journey by understanding the unique needs of working carers. Our care consultants conduct extensive assessments through video meetings, ensuring a personalized approach to cater to each family’s unique needs.
  2. Tailored Care Plans: Agewhale's services focus on the creation of individualized care plans. These plans cover a wide range of caregiving services, including healthcare and emotional support, and are tailored to each employee's particular needs. Our consultants assist with research, comparison and shortlisting of different services. Additionally, coordination and liaison with service providers help working carers save valuable time by managing these administrative tasks.
  3. Ongoing Support: Agewhale remains committed to providing continuous support. To meet the evolving needs of working carers, regular follow-ups and plan adjustments are essential. This ongoing assistance gives working carers the peace of mind to stay engaged in the workplace, recognizing they have a reliable resource to seek help.

Benefits for Employees

While providing flexible work arrangements and family leave is a good start, it does not address the time and effort working carers devote to managing caregiving responsibilities. Agewhale's comprehensive care services alleviate logistical and administrative burdens, allowing carers to save time and reduce overall stress. This essential assistance improves general well-being and enables a greater work-life balance. Integrating Agewhale's services into  employee benefits not only improves employee productivity and engagement, but also positions the company as a leader in promoting employee well-being and DEI in the workplace. 

A pilot program conducted by Agewhale revealed compelling statistics, with more than 80% of participants expressing that they would experience increased happiness at work and improved work-life balance if Agewhale's services were integrated into their benefits. Moreover, nearly two-thirds of respondents believed that their focus and productivity would improve with access to Agewhale's support. Moreover, many expect a reduced need to take care-related days off. They also stated that they would be more motivated to stay with the company, highlighting Agewhale's services' positive impact on their well-being, productivity, and loyalty in the workplace.

“Agewhale’s service is very meticulous. They patiently listened to my needs and requirements and conducted research according to my situation to help me easily find organizations that can provide the services I need. Sincere thanks!” Working carer caring for a bedridden family member

Feedback from Agewhale's pilot program alights with Harvard Business School's study (Fuller, 2024) on caregiving benefits, which highlights significant benefits from investing in caregiving support:

  • Engagement and Productivity: Research shows that roughly two-thirds of employees report a noticeable improvement in job engagement and overall satisfaction due to access to caregiving provider referral services.
  • Retention: Companies that offer caregiving assistance report at least a 5% reduction in turnover, resulting in a 126% return on investment from retention improvements alone.
  • Workforce Diversity: More than 30% of employees say that caregiving benefits keep them from taking a leave of absence or leaving the job, which is critical for retaining a diverse and younger workforce.

Agewhale’s Educational Talks and Workshops

Given that we may find ourselves in a carer role at any time, being equipped and prepared beforehand can make a huge difference in how well we handle the situation when it arises. The goal of Agewhale's educational talks and workshops is to provide people with the skills needed to effectively navigate the challenges of caregiving. 

Program Highlights

Agewhale offers a range of flagship programs designed to address various facets of caregiving, catering to the diverse needs of different organizations. 

  1. Care Planning Foundation: An introductory talk providing insights into caregiving preparation and an overview of the available community resources in Hong Kong.
  2. Coping Strategies for Carers: An informative session focusing on effective self-care and stress management strategies.
  3. Building a Carer-Friendly Workplace: An informative session for HR department and senior management to learn about best practices for creating a carer-friendly workplace.
  4. Conversations that Count: An interactive session aimed at enhancing practical communication skills for discussing care options and plans with older loved ones and other family members.
  5. Life of a Carer: An experiential workshop offering a deeper understanding of the caregiving journey, providing insights into the challenges and rewards of caregiving.

Benefits for Employers

Agewhale has seen strong turnout at sessions hosted by various companies, showcasing a strong demand and interest from employees on the topic of caregiving. Attendee testimonials from prior clients, such as CLP Power Hong Kong Limited and Mayer Brown, demonstrate the sessions’ positive impact on staff satisfaction and engagement.

“Today I listened to your lunch talk; it was very inspiring. What you said is so true, becoming a carer often comes without much warning, but most people tend to deceive themselves into thinking that day won't come so soon, so they often choose to avoid it. Thank you for selflessly sharing, hoping that more people will pay attention to this issue and prepare early.”

Build a Productive Workplace with Agewhale

Supporting working carers is a strategic imperative for businesses to mitigate the impact of caregiving on their employees, such as increased absenteeism, higher turnover and decreased productivity. Agewhale provides a unique solution through its Care Concierge Services, Educational Talks, and Workshops. Our personalized care plans and ongoing support help carers effectively manage their caregiving responsibilities, allowing them to maintain a healthier work-life balance.

For businesses seeking practical benefits, we invite you to contact Agewhale to learn more about how our services can support your employees and business goals. Let us be your partner in building a productive, inclusive and supportive workplace for long-term sustainability.

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