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Agewhale is making caregiving a positive experience for all

Our mission

Our mission is to provide solutions to help carers of older persons identify suitable services and resources so older persons can age well in place.

"I founded Agewhale with the hope of helping other carers feel more informed, supported, and confident about caregiving. Not only do I hope we can live a long life like whales, I hope we can age well with dignity and quality of life."

- Grace Cheng, founder of Agewhale

Our founder

Grace Cheng

Grace Cheng is the founder and CEO of Agewhale. Raised by her grandparents, Grace has always had a deep connection to older people. She took care of her grandparents in their final years and experienced firsthand the numerous challenges faced by family caregivers. Motivated by her personal experience, she established Agewhale to support families in caring for their elderly loved ones.

She was invited to be a speaker at the TEDxTinHauWomen 2023 event and she highlighted the importance of caregiver preparation in her talk. In 2024, she was selected to partake in the Professional Fellows Program sponsored by the US Department of State. She undertook a fellowship at the Older Adults Technology Services, a charitable affiliate of AARP, the leading non-profit organization in the United States for people aged fifty and above. She was also selected as one of the fellows of the inaugural PBC Fellowship Programme launched by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to participate in the Philanthropy for Better Cities Forum 2024. 

Prior to founding Agewhale, Grace served as the General Manager of the Fair Employment Agency, a social enterprise dedicated to transforming the standards of the migrant domestic worker recruitment industry. Leading a team of over 20 employees, she guided the organization through the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Under her leadership, the agency has been recognized with multiple awards for delivering exceptional recruitment services to nearly 8,000 employers and migrant domestic workers.

Grace graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences. She holds certifications in advanced care planning, palliative care, dementia caregiving, mental health first aid, and caregiver support. Grace is actively involved in volunteering with organizations focused on eldercare and end-of-life care to enhance her understanding of the needs of seniors and caregivers. Her community involvement includes serving as the Fellowship Advisor of Resolve Foundation and the Enterprise Advisor of CLAP@JC.

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Portrait of Agewhale's CEO & Founder, Grace Cheng


We are very grateful for the generous support from

Funded by
Startup support
Startup support
Pro bono legal support
Volunteer recruitment
Intern recruitment
Facilitation of pro bono legal services

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